I post on this subject constantly due to my family history and concerns shared by others with similar life experiences. The following was found on Dr. David Perlmutter's site and is worthy of publishing due to the wonderful simplicity and ease of implementation.
The study: Association of Daily Step Count and Intensity With Incident Dementia in 78 430 Adults Living in the UK. produced some great and encouraging information. Yes, what the researchers studied was the relationship between the number of steps these folks recorded each day, and whether or not they became demented. And as it turns out, the best outcome was seen at around 10,000 steps per day. This level was associated with a 51% risk reduction.
What’s more, the authors determined that risk begins to decline even at the very lowest levels of daily walking.
They concluded:
“Taking more steps per day was associated with a lower risk of incident all-cause dementia. The optimal dose was estimated at 9800 steps per day, just under the popular target of 10,000 steps.”
And further:
“We found no minimal threshold for the beneficial association of step counts with incident dementia.”
Ten thousand steps, on average, translates to around 8 km, 5 miles, or around 1 hour and 40 minutes of walking each day. But keep in mind, this study looked at total walking, meaning all the walking a person might do in a day either while exercising or not.
The take home messages are simple. First, get moving, and any level will help. And second, the more the better.
Knowing how many steps you take in a day is simple to determine these days with so many wearable tracking devices available. So, start today! This is the breakthrough medical science has been waiting for. And you can’t beat the price!