Thank you, GreenMedInfo team!!
Remember when we used to think microbes were all bad and being sterile was best…and then we realized that microbes within and on our bodies protect us from developing dementia, diabetes, obesity, autoimmunity and even cancer.
Even mycelium - the “wood wide web” of fungi that live under the forest floor connecting all trees and plants to one another - has captured our imagination because we’re seeing how nature works in community.
Modern science has been showing us again and again what indigenous knowledge has been saying since time immemorial: we are all deeply interconnected.
Yet these days, we’re living in a state of disconnection daily, causing epidemics of anxiety, depression, addiction, loneliness, chronic illness, not to mention watching Mother Earth facing her own challenges.
Simply put, we have lost our village.
This is why we're happy to see that our friend, Dr. Maya Shetreat, who is a combination of integrative neurologist, herbalist, and spiritual teacher is putting together an event to help us all remedy the overwhelm, reverse despair and rediscover connection…
The Master Plant Experience: The Science, Safety, and Sacred Ceremony of Psychedelics.
While many people think that psychedelics means taking drugs or “tripping,” Dr. Maya takes a different, more sacred approach. While macrodosing may be right for some, she teaches that Master Plants can offer lessons through microdosing, quantum dosing, or even simply honoring and learning from the Plants in ceremony without ingesting them at all. That’s right, Master Plants have long been known to be ancient teachers with mycelial messages of connection that can help us to navigate the challenges of this very moment. The Master Plant Experience is the fabulous healing retreat you’ve been longing for - and that you can access from your very own home at no cost to you! Join Dr Maya Shetreat for this experience April 10-23. To better health, The GreenMedInfo Team