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From our good friend, Dr. Murray!


Dear Mark, Have you ever noticed how good it feels to walk barefoot on the beach? There is a BIG reason for it. Have you heard of “grounding?” It is also known as earthing. Grounding refers to connecting your body to the Earth’s natural electric charge. In addition to being made up of molecules, humans are also electrical beings. When we walk barefoot, it does not matter whether it is grass, dirt, sand, or stone there is a transfer of the Earth’s electrical charge as all of these surfaces conduct electricity. Swimming in the ocean, wading along the beach, and walking in the forest also accomplishes the same transfer of energy. And guess what? So does taking a shower if your feet are on natural stone. Though it is not as powerful in grounding as walking on the beach. Grounding makes us feel better because it can subtly facilitate the direct transfer of free electrons (energy) into the body. This transfer can produce instantaneous changes in the body. For many people, this is like being plugged into an energy source while others may not feel a thing. And this transfer can mean measurable improvements to your health. Emerging research now shows that grounding restores a necessary connection to the Earth and has the following benefits:

  • Improved blood and lymphatic flow

  • Reduced inflammation, pain, and feelings of stress

  • Improved sleep

  • Increased feelings of greater well-being

  • Increased parasympathetic tone producing calmness

It is very simple. A grounded body naturally connected to the Earth is healthier. One thought is that free electrons absorbed from grounding reinforce the antioxidant system in the body and effectively help to increase the health of the electrical charge of cells, blood, and lymph. As we get closer to summer and better weather for most, I encourage you to experience a regular connection with nature to engage in grounding. And if it is not possible for any reason, spend a few extra minutes in the shower… Be well,

Dr. Michael Murray

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