Whenever there is trauma, whether it is from an injury or surgery, it leads to swelling. And one of the best natural approaches to reduce swelling is bromelain, the protein-digesting enzyme from the stem of the pineapple plant. Bromelain’s ability to reduce swelling, bruising, healing time, and pain following sports injuries or surgical procedures has been well-demonstrated in numerous clinical studies. In fact, bromelain has outperformed standard drug therapy in reducing the severity of swelling and pain in subjects having oral surgery for an impacted wisdom tooth. Whether it is a medication or a natural product, sometimes we put our faith in something new even when the older agent works very well. Bromelain has been in the marketplace since 1957, so it has a long history of success. It also has mechanisms of action, clinical effectiveness, and a safety profile that make it one of the best choices for reducing swelling and discomfort after injury or surgery. Over 300 scientific studies have been performed with this amazing natural compound. When referring to bromelain, here is a very important distinction that you need to understand…. The bromelain enzyme used as a dietary supplement is from the stem, not the fruit. Eating more pineapple is likely not going to produce these results. The bromelain in the fruit is not the same enzyme and it is not in high enough concentration to produce the noted effects of the stem bromelain. Different grades of bromelain are available on the market. The strength of its enzyme activity is referred to in gelatin digesting units (gdu). The recommended gdu range is 1,000 to 3,000. However, there is some indication that the lower enzyme activity (1,000 gdu) may outperform the higher potency (3,000 gdu). The dosage range for either potency is generally 500 to 750 mg one to three times daily between meals. If you are allergic to pineapple do not use bromelain. Otherwise, bromelain is very well-tolerated and without side effects. Very large single doses of bromelain (nearly 2.0 grams) have been given with no side effects. If you are wondering how bromelain works in supporting the body’s recovery, it is primarily via two interrelated mechanisms:
It stimulates the production of plasmin, a compound that blocks the formation of pro-inflammatory compounds and breaks down fibrin to reduce swelling and scar formation.
It reduces the production of compounds known as kinins. These compounds cause much inflammation, swelling, and pain after trauma (like sports injuries or surgery).
I am going to try some today!!