Courtesy of Dr Mercola & Green Med Info
Here are the bullet points from an article that can be found on the Mercola website or Green Med Info site. I will let you google them.
Using CDC data, no significant differences were found in COVID-19 case growth between states with or without mask mandates, during periods of low or high transmission
The widespread use of masks did not reduce COVID-19 transmission in Europe, and a moderate positive correlation was found between mask usage and deaths in Western Europe
An update to a CDC study on school mask mandates, using nearly six times more data, found no significant relationship between mask mandates in U.S. schools and COVID-19 case rates
In Kansas, counties with a mask mandate had significantly higher COVID-19 case fatality rates than counties without a mask mandate
One way masks cause harm may be the "Foegen effect" -- the idea that deep re-inhalation of droplets and virions caught on facemasks might make COVID-19 infection more likely or more severe