Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness in the world. Worldwide, an estimated 80 million people are affected, and prevalence is on the rise
Glaucoma develops when high pressure in your eye (ocular hypertension) damages the optic nerve. Peripheral vision is impacted first, followed by central vision. Vision loss is usually the only symptom
Interocular pressure is a modifiable risk factor of glaucoma
Aside from high eye pressure, other factors that influence your risk include old age, thin cornea, large optic nerve cup size and low peripheral vision test score. These factors can help your ophthalmologist determine your glaucoma risk
Treatment options include eye pressure-lowering eye drops, oral medication and selective laser trabeculoplasty. Certain supplements can also be helpful, including melatonin, lutein (ideally from food), ginkgo biloba, Chinese skullcap, bilberry, green tea, curcumin and nicotinamide (B3)
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