Sleep apnea is a condition where you repeatedly stop breathing during sleep. Six million Americans have a diagnosis of sleep apnea, but another 25 million or more may be struggling undiagnosed. Sleep apnea is also becoming more prevalent among children
Snoring is a related problem, caused by a restriction in your airway stemming from either your throat or nasal passageway, and typically precedes more severe sleep apnea by several years
Lack of breastfeeding, the preponderance of processed food — which has predisposed several generations to a combination of obesity, malformed mouths and unnaturally small airways — and rampant vitamin D deficiency from lack of sun exposure appear to be primary causative factors for the steady rise in sleep apnea
One of the most frequently used treatments is a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine, which straps around your face and uses mild air pressure to keep your airways open while you sleep. However, CPAP does not address any of the potential underlying causes of sleep apnea
Better solutions include oral devices that correct your tongue or jaw position, and oral myofunctional therapy, a form of facial muscle therapy that helps reshape your oral cavity and promote proper placement of your tongue, head and neck
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