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New Year, New Possibilities!


Consider the following posting from Dr. Elena Villanueva.

No matter how healthy we strive to be, our modern way of life is toxic. Here are some quick not-so-fun facts:

  • The Environmental Protection Agency has 80,000 chemicals registered for daily use. Of those, only about 250 currently have testing to assess their safety.

  • The United States uses 18,000 pesticides and sprays 5 billion (yes, billion) pounds of pesticides per year. Only 1% of these pesticides make it to the targeted pest, which means 99% of pesticides sprayed end up somewhere else.

  • The amount of pesticides used on crops in the United States doubles every 10 years. All for naught, however, because insects become immune over time, and the pesticides become ineffective.

There is a long list of toxic compounds found in everyday life – from arsenic to xenoestrogens. They are found in:

  • Soil and dirt.

  • “Microwavable safe” plastic containers, cling-wrapped foods, and any plastic storage containers, whether they are heated or not.

  • Watercooler jugs and canned foods not listed as BPA-free.

  • Teflon and non-stick pans.

  • Cleaning supplies and dry-cleaned clothes.

  • Air fresheners, scented candles, detergents, fabric softeners, soaps, and deodorants.

  • Shower water treated with chlorine.

  • Non-organic produce.

  • Non-organic meat and dairy products.

  • Farm-raised fish.

This is why it is not just recommended that you detox at least once a year, it is absolutely necessary.

Dr. Villanueva offers a plan for purchase on her web site that has been very successful for many people. If interested, simple search her name and you can examine that option. Or, let this motivate further research into reliable and safe detox options provided by established providers and manufacturers.

Either way, don't let this message pass you by, trying to live a detox life is a daily decision. Giving our bodies an annual "refresh" can bring profound benefits.

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